FEMA has announced the schedule of their webinar series for the 2021 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant funding programs.
Please follow this link for more information about FEMA’s webinars:
We expect FEMA to release the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) within the next month or so. Please note: the deadlines published by FEMA in the NOFO indicate the due dates for Cal OES to submit our Application to FEMA. You will have earlier due dates for submitting your Notice of Interest (NOI) and Subapplication to Cal OES. After FEMA releases the NOFOs for BRIC and FMA, Cal OES Hazard Mitigation Assistance will post the NOFOs and the NOI and Subapplication due dates on our webpage at: Cal OES BRIC & FMA Webpage.
Cal OES Hazard Mitigation Assistance Branch will also be conducting a series of California-specific BRIC and FMA webinars. More information to come.
If you would like to discuss a potential hazard mitigation project with our team - please contact us for an appointment, we are happy to provide you with an assessment.