The CA Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) is pleased to announce the 2021 funding opportunity for FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP).
This opportunity provides funding for communities to implement mitigation activities to reduce risk to life and property from natural hazards. In CA, natural hazards include wildfire, earthquake, drought, extreme weather, flooding, and other impacts of climate change. HMGP funding can also support the development of Local Hazard Mitigation Plans (LHMP) and project scoping activities.
Projects must be eligible, feasible, and cost effective per FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance. Projects must be stand-alone activities that will reduce risk as their primary benefit, but Cal OES strongly encourages the submission of projects that achieve multiple benefits.
Application Process
Interested applicants must submit a Notice of Interest (NOI) via the Engage Cal OES Portal prior to submitting a subapplication. All NOIs must be submitted by the posted deadline (NOIs due to Cal OES via the Engage Cal OES Portal December 31, 2021). NOIs submitted after this date will be considered for the next available funding opportunity. Cal OES will review NOIs for eligibility and then invite subapplicants with eligible projects to submit full grant subapplications, also via the Engage Cal OES Portal. Cal OES will review all subapplications and submit projects to FEMA in accordance with the State’s priorities (see page 2). Cal OES will retain eligible subapplications that are not initially selected for submission to FEMA for future consideration when funding becomes available. FEMA will then review the submitted applications for programmatic and environmental and historic preservation (EHP) compliance prior to obligating funds.
Eligible Applicants
State Agencies
Federally-Recognized Tribes
Local Governments/Communities
Private Non-Profit Organizations
Subapplicants must have a FEMAapproved local or tribal hazard mitigation plan in order to be eligible. Private nonprofit organizations are not subject to this requirement, but the County in which they are located must meet the LHMP requirement.
Cost Sharing
The total cost to implement approved mitigation activities is funded by a combination of Federal and nonFederal sources. HMA funds may be used to pay up to 75 percent of the total eligible activity costs. The remaining 25 percent of eligible activity costs must be derived from non-Federal sources. Contributions of cash, third-party in-kind services, materials, or any combination thereof, may be accepted as part of the non-Federal cost share (local match).
Funding Priorities
Cal OES will select projects for funding based on the following priorities. Subapplicants should clearly describe how their project meets these criteria within their project scope of work.
1. Projects that will create or update LHMPs.
2. Large projects (>$10M in federal share) that achieve one or more of the following objectives:
• Protect a disadvantaged community;
• Implement a nature-based solution to reduce risk and/or advance climate adaption goals;
• Advance whole community risk reduction;
• Protect large critical infrastructure;
• Implement home hardening and/or large-scale community defensible space projects; and/or • Enhance resiliency by complimenting previously implemented mitigation actions (previous actions do not need to be funded through Cal OES but should be described in detail).
3. Small projects (<$10M in federal share) that achieve the following objectives:
• Protect a disadvantaged community;
• Implement a nature-based solution to reduce risk and/or advance climate adaption goals;
• Advance whole community risk reduction;
• Protect large critical infrastructure;
• Implement home hardening and/or large-scale community defensible space projects; and/or • Enhance resiliency by complimenting previously implemented mitigation actions (previous actions do not need to be funded through Cal OES but should be described in detail).
4. All other eligible projects.
Grant Management Associates has experience with Cal OES. Contact Us today for a consultation on this funding opportunity.
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