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Jodie Alexander

CA Clean Transportation Program: IMPROVE for H2 (Refueling Stations) Due 01/19/24; Webinar 11/30

Opportunity Title:

Clean Transportation Program: Improvements in Maintenance Processes for Reliable Operations that are Verifiable and Effective for Hydrogen Refueling Stations (IMPROVE for H2)



Opportunity Number:



This is a competitive grant solicitation. The California Energy Commission’s (CEC’s) Clean Transportation Program announces the availability of up to $10,796,266 in grant funds for projects that will support the advancement of hydrogen refueling station operations and maintenance (O&M) to improve the customer experience.

The intention of this solicitation is to enable station owners and/or operators to invest in O&M activities that will result in long-lasting improvements to station reliability and the customer experience. While this support will be in the form of one-time O&M grants, the objective is to enable station owners and/or operators to implement technical, organizational, or other changes that will have measurable long-term benefits. Where appropriate, station owners and/or operators may also make station investments to address immediate problems facing customers, including but not limited to bringing stations temporarily out of service back into service.


This solicitation is open to all public and private entities that own or operate one or more eligible hydrogen refueling stations as defined in Section II.B of the Project Requirements.

Award Details:

Total Amount Available:


Maximum Award:

$350,000 for 1 Station; $7,000,000 for 25 Stations


January 19, 2024

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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