The RSP supports fish passage improvements and similar projects that increase ecological, stream management, climate, and community improvement benefits. Program goals include protecting, restoring, and enhancing the natural environment of riparian systems. RSP supports innovations in green infrastructure to provide habitat enhancements that benefit aquatic species and fish migration and help wildlife endure drought and adapt to climate change.
Eligible Applicants: Public Agency
Eligible projects: Must support water quality and supply consistent with Water Code section 79205.6 and may include:
-Innovative green infrastructure that enhances water availability, groundwater storage, fish and wildlife habitat restoration, creation of cool water refugia.
-Fish-friendly intakes for agriculture diversions.
-Fish passage solutions that remove barriers to fish migration or improve passage.
-Increase or improve floodplain availability.
Eligible Geographies: Geographic Limit of the “Delta export service area” and Counties within the Association of Bay Area Governments (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma), areas of the state outside the delta that receive water from the State Water Project or the Central Valley Project, either directly or by exchange, by means of diversions from the Delta.
Award Details:
Total Available: $6.5M
Max Award: Dependent
Match Requirement: None
Submission Details:
Due Date: Rolling
Open Date: January 2022
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.