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CARB Meeting Seeking Public Feedback on Funding Priorities for FY2022-2023

The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) invites you to participate in a public meeting on Wednesday, September 22, 4-6 P.M., to discuss research priorities for CARB to fund in fiscal year 2022-2023. The purpose of the meeting is to provide a discussion forum for the public on research priorities under consideration for funding in fiscal year 2022-2023. In addition, staff will provide an update on input CARB received from the public call for research concepts and comments that closed on July 16, 2021. To attend this meeting, please use the registration link below.

Date: September 22, 2021 Time: 4:00 to 6:00 PM PDT Location: Zoom

Please register for the public meeting before September 22:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the webinar. Spanish interpretation will be available at this meeting.


4:00 to 4:05 PM: Introductions

4:05 to 4:20 PM: CARB Research Program Overview

4:20 to 4:40 PM: Mobile Sources Research

4:40 to 5:00 PM: Air Quality Research

5:00 to 5:20 PM: Climate, Sustainable Communities, and Economics Research

5:20 to 5:40 PM: Health Research

5:40 to 6:00 PM: Environmental Justice Research


To submit written comments on research priorities for CARB to fund in fiscal year 2022-2023, please email them to by October 1, 2021. A summary of all comments received at the meeting and via email will be summarized in a new appendix in an updated version of the 2021-2024 Triennial Strategic Research Plan that will be available on February 1, 2022.


The Legislature created the Board’s research program in 1971 to support CARB’s goals by providing the scientific foundation for effective air pollution control. The research program encompasses all aspects of air pollution and plays an important role in meeting the challenges of increasingly stringent federal air quality standards and long-term climate goals, and serves as the foundation for effective regulatory decisions. Research Program priorities are also responsive to emerging topics, public input, and aim to advance measuring and monitoring methods and improve health outcomes.

Each year, CARB staff presents a list of research projects to the Board for approval. If approved, a solicitation for pre-proposals is released based on the approved projects. CARB staff plan to present the projects for fiscal year 2022-2023 at the January 2022 Board meeting. If the projects are approved by the Board, it is anticipated that projects will commence as early as August 2022.

CARB collects public input on research priorities through a variety of methods. CARB staff host public meetings and comment periods for the development of each Triennial Strategic Research Plan, as well as the annual list of projects that are presented each year to the Board for approval.

This year, CARB collected concepts and comments during the spring of 2021 and is in the process of using that input to create a list of prospective projects that are in alignment with CARB program priorities. The purpose of this public meeting is to discuss the prospective projects for fiscal year 2022-2023 and incorporate that input before taking them to the Board for approval.

At the September 22 public meeting, CARB staff will give a brief summary of the range of comments and concepts submitted by the public and discuss list of projects being considered. Staff will allow ample time to hear from the public on the priorities presented.

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