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  • Writer's pictureTom Kenny

CEC/Empower Innovation Hosts "Empowering Sustainable, Equitable Places" Workshop - 2/24 or 3/1

Learn how to kick off your vision for developing a sustainable place or building momentum for what you are currently doing. Attendees will learn about upcoming place-based initiatives, how to start and sustain cleantech partnerships and connect with potential partners on current projects and future funding opportunities.

Next, the conversation will move to small breakout groups focused on a variety of community types such as rural, urban, low-income, and minority-majority communities and the specific concerns around environmental justice and inclusion in project planning. Round out the event with 90 minutes of one-on-one networking on the Hopin platform with other attendees.

The goal is to help community leaders, developers, and clean energy technology creators meet and learn from each other, starting conversations that can lead to collaboration opportunities. Discussions will explore how meaningful community engagement can support the advancement of sustainable technology deployments to create equitable and resilient places. This event is sponsored by the California Energy Commission.

For your convenience, this event will also be offered on Tuesday, March 1.

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