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Writer's pictureCaroline Winter

Coming Soon: Dept. of Water Resources - Water Desalination Grant Program Continuous Application CAP5

Opportunity Title:

Water Desalination Grant Program Continuous Application Process - CAP5


The purpose of the Program is to use grant funds to facilitate the use of desalinatedwater to meet the water resources needs of the state. The focus of the Program is onthe development of potable water for municipal uses.

Eligible Projects will be awarded grants to desalinate naturally-occurring brackish (>1,000 mg/L TDS) or saline water to directly support local or regional potable municipal water resources and directly or indirectly provide water supply benefits to the State. A total of $6,000,000 of Proposition 1 funds are available. In addition to other benefits, proposed projects will be evaluated on the following: • Increased potable water supply to increase public health and the quality of municipal water supply systems (CWC §79767(c)) • Increased water supply reliability (CWC §79767(a)) • Improved water desalination technology, process efficiencies, and methodologies (CWC §79767(e) & §12947(c)) • Advanced methods that minimize adverse impacts to the environment associated with desalination processes and new water supplies which decrease reliance on diversions from the Delta or instream flows (CWC §79767(b) & §12946) • Contribute to decreasing environmental impacts caused by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions which includes energy efficiencies (i.e., water-energy nexus) (CWC §79767(b) & §12946). Projects must have a completed feasibility study showing evaluated alternatives, appropriate CEQA documentation to support the project, and be ready to be implemented within 6 months of project award.


Nonprofit, Public Agency, Tribal Government

Also eligible: Investor-Owned Utilities Mutual Water Companies

Total Amount Available:


Anticipated Release Date:

September 2022

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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