Opportunity Title:
Critical Materials Institute (CMI)
U.S. Department of Energy
Opportunity Number:
In Phase III CMI plans to initiate 30 projects primarily focusing on materials, that build on the success of earlier CMI research.
With a potential $30 million per year over five years for this third phase of the Hub, CMI will further its mission to accelerate innovative scientific and technological solutions to develop resilient and secure supply chains for materials critical to the manufacturing of clean energy technologies.
The renewal goes hand-in-hand with DOE’s recent Critical Materials Assessment and corresponding List of Critical Materials. In CMI’s Phase III of operations, the proposed scope consists of investigating opportunities for diversification, substitutions, and recyclability of various materials on the critical material list that are necessary for permanent magnets, lithium batteries, semiconductors, and electrolyzers and catalysts. These technologies will facilitate cleaner electricity generation, energy conversion, energy storage, and electronics. Phase III goals also include refreshing R&D project portfolio priorities, developing a community benefits plan, enhancing the education and workforce development (EWD) program, and more.
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.