Opportunity Title:
American Rescue Plan Act Indigenous Communities
Opportunity Number:
Through this Indigenous Communities NOFO, EDA aims to assist indigenous communities to recover economically from the coronavirus pandemic. Even before the pandemic, indigenous communities faced high levels of economic distress and unique economic development challenges, resulting in severe inequalities in opportunity for members of these communities. The pandemic greatly exacerbated those challenges and inequities and will continue to cause deep economic injury to indigenous communities in unprecedented ways.
EDA’s American Rescue Plan Indigenous Communities NOFO is designed to support indigenous communities as they respond to, and recover from, the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, including long-term recovery and resilience to future economic disasters. Under this announcement, EDA solicits applications under the authority of its Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) program, which is intended to be flexible and responsive to the economic development needs and priorities of indigenous communities.
Competitive applications for funding under this NOFO will propose projects designed to create the conditions for economic growth in indigenous communities and to accelerate economic recovery from the pandemic. These projects can include foundational economic infrastructure projects, such as such as broadband, energy, road, water, and wastewater infrastructure (including community water facilities); vocational and higher education facilities; and community health facilities that are necessary for future job creation. Projects can also include non-construction projects to provide technical assistance to support business development, entrepreneurship assistance, economic development planning, rural prosperity, and workforce training in indigenous communities. Further, EDA seeks to fund projects representing diverse geographies, from rural and urban settings to projects on or near tribal lands.
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Minimum Award:
Submission Details:
While there are no application submission deadlines under this NOFO, EDA strongly advises eligible applicants to submit complete applications as soon as possible so that EDA can review and process the application in time to get a potential award in place prior to deadlines imposed by Congress. Any award is subject to the availability of funds. EDA strongly encourages all applicants to start early and contact their EDA representative for assistance. See section E of this Indigenous Communities NOFO regarding EDA’s review process and section G of the NOFO for EDA Regional Office Point of Contact (POC) information.
Application Deadline:
September 30, 2022
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.