Opportunity Title: Defense Production Act Title III Expansion of Domestic Production Capability and Capacity; CALL 012 - Critical Chemicals Production
Opportunity Number: FA8650-19-S-5010-CALL-012
CALL 012 - Critical Chemicals Production
The objective of this effort is to establish domestic supplier(s) of Critical Chemicals that are essential for national defense. Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III funding will be used to mitigate Defense Industrial Base (DIB) reliance on foreign sources for Critical Chemicals. Enabling, maintaining, and expanding domestic sources for Critical Chemicals is a priority for the DPA Title III Program. Successful awardees shall be domestic manufacturers whose proposal(s) demonstrate solutions that emphasize modularity of facilities and equipment to produce as many of the Critical Chemicals as possible, and utilize efficient manufacturing techniques, while minimizing environmental impact.
Intent to Propose is requested by: Monday, 23 January 2023, 12:00 PM Wright-Patterson AFB, OH local time.
Proposal Due Date and Time: Thursday, 09 March 2023, no later than 12:00 PM Wright-Patterson AFB, OH local time.
Please see main Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) FA8650-19-S-5010 SAM.gov posting for additional information, including other appendices. See FOA for Appendices I thru V.
Note for Estimated Program Cost: Total program cost is $400 million ($200 million Government funding plus $200 million recipient(s) cost share). Estimating between 1 and 20 awards with size of the award being based on the number of chemicals addressed. Program budget is subject to funding availability. This is a funding profile; it is an estimate and is subject to change.
Submission Details:
Intent to Propose: 1/23/23
Application Deadline: 3/9/23
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.