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DOE FECM Funding for Technologies to Reduce or Eliminate Natural Gas Flaring – Due 11/27

Jodie Alexander

Opportunity Title:

Innovative Technologies to Eliminate Flaring from Oil and Natural Gas Production


U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM)

Opportunity Number:



The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) today announced up to $30 million for the development of advanced technologies to reduce or eliminate the need for natural gas flaring at oil production sites, a known source of methane emissions, by converting unused and otherwise wasted natural gas produced at those operations into value-added products such as sustainable chemicals and fuels. After carbon dioxide, methane is the second most abundant greenhouse gas warming our planet, accounting for 20 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. This funding opportunity supports President Biden’s U.S. Methane Emissions Reduction Action Plan and the Administration’s pledge that the United States will work with global partners to reduce the world’s methane emissions 30% from 2020 levels by 2030, while simultaneously cutting consumer costs, protecting workers and communities, growing jobs, and promoting U.S. technology innovation.

FECM is seeking projects under this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) that include the use of innovative technologies for capturing associated gas at the well site to reduce or eliminate the need for flaring and venting, as well as novel methods for converting the captured natural gas into value-added products, essentially creating a new product stream from a waste stream. The FOA seeks cost-shared research proposals for pilot-scale field deployment and validation of efficient, cost-effective options that will then be ready for pre-commercial demonstration in real world applications.


Domestic Entities

The proposed prime recipient and subrecipient(s) must be domestic entities. The

following types of domestic entities are eligible to participate as a prime

recipient or subrecipient of this FOA:

1. Institutions of higher education;

2. For-profit entities;

3. Non-profit entities; and

4. State and local governmental entities, and Indian tribes nations.

Award Details:

Total Amount Available:



November 27, 2023

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