Opportunity Title:
Native Language Immersion Initiative Grant
First Nations
First Nations originally launched the Native Language Immersion Initiative (NLII) in 2017 as a three-year project to build on longtime efforts to support the revitalization and perpetuation of Native languages. The NLII program is designed specifically to build the capacity of and support Native language immersion education programs in tribal communities. With generous support from several foundations and numerous individual donors across the U.S., the NLII program has continued beyond the initial investment. Support for the 2024 grant cycle is made possible through funding from the Sunderland Foundation, Pendleton Woolen Mills, Inc., and the CSAA Insurance Group (a AAA Insurer) and through a generous gift from the Diane Mott Estate.
Funding under this grant will support capacity-building activities designed to improve and enhance the language immersion program’s ability to achieve its mission. This may include curriculum development, technology access, instructional courses and materials, mentorships, teacher training and other kinds of organizational infrastructure.
There will be a Q&A webinar on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, at 1 pm Mountain Time. Register for the Webinar here.
Tribes, Native-controlled nonprofits, and Native-controlled community organizations with active Native language immersion programs located in the United States or U.S. territories are eligible to apply.
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Minimum Award:
March 4, 2024
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