The purpose of this solicitation is to fund a design-build competition that will challenge multi-disciplinary project teams to design and build a mixed-use development – using cutting-edge energy technologies, tools and construction practices - that is affordable, equitable, emissions-free and resilient to climate change impacts and extreme weather events.
Pre-Application Workshop - GFO-20-305 - The Next EPIC Challenge: Reimagining Affordable Mixed-Use Development in a Carbon-Constrained Future
CEC staff will hold one Pre-Application Workshop to discuss the solicitation with potential applicants. Participation is optional but encouraged. The Workshop will cover the Concept, Design, and Build Phases. The Pre-Application Workshop will be held remotely, consistent with Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-29-20 and the recommendations from the California Department of Public Health to encourage physical distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19. Applicants may only attend the workshop via the internet (Zoom, see instructions below), or conference call on the date and at the time listed below. Please call (916) 654-4381 or refer to the CEC's website at www.energy.ca.gov/contracts/index.html to confirm the date and time.
Thursday, January 7, 2021 10:00 AM Remote Access Only