On July 28, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom released a final version of the Water Resilience Portfolio, the Administration’s blueprint for equipping California to cope with more extreme droughts and floods, rising temperatures, declining fish populations, over-reliance on groundwater and other challenges.
Here is a list of CA water-related funding:
Bond Funding for Water Use Efficiency Projects
DWR’s Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Program awards grants for both urban and agricultural water use efficiency projects throughout the state, including pilot and demonstration projects to improve irrigation practices; outreach, training, and technical assistance; rebate programs such as for turf and toilets; mobile irrigation lab assessments; and infrastructure improvements. Since 2004, the WUE Program has provided more than 260 grants ranging from $10,000 to $3 million to communities throughout California. AGENCY: DWR
Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Grant Programs Since 2006, the IWRM Grant programs funded by voterapproved bonds (Propositions 50, 84, and 1) have provided over $1.5 billion in grants to communities in 48 IRWM regions, matched by $4 billion in local investments, to fund nearly 1,300 planning and implementation projects that provide multiple benefits throughout the state. Since 2016, nearly $52 million has been awarded to incentivize engagement of traditionally underrepresented communities in the program. DWR has worked with the 48 IRWM regions to schedule award of an additional $400 million in Proposition 1 funding in 2020-22. AGENCY: DWR,
Sustainable Groundwater Management Grant Programs Since 2016, DWR has awarded over 100 grants and nearly $93 million in Proposition 1 funding to help counties and Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) comply with SGMA. DWR will award another $150 million or more in Proposition 68 funding in 2020- 22 to further help GSAs with development of plans and implementation of groundwater projects. AGENCY: DWR
Water Energy Grant Program In 2014-16, funded by the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, the Water-Energy Grant Program provided $46 million in grants to implement 39 projects designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, water use, and energy use. The program has benefitted nearly 90,000 households within disadvantaged communities, and has resulted in over 200 billion gallons of water saved and a reduction of over 337 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. AGENCY: DWR
State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP) CDFA’s SWEEP provides financial incentives for agricultural operations to invest in water irrigation and/ or distribution systems that save water and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Since 2014, the program has received $87.1 million in greenhouse gas reduction fund and bond allocations and funded 725 projects. These projects have an estimated annual water savings of 110,000 acre-feet. AGENCY: CDFA
Delta Levee System Integrity Program The Delta Levee System Integrity Program provides local assistance grants and subventions to flood management agencies in the Delta for levee improvements. AGENCY: DWR,
FLOOD BOARD Urban Streams Restoration Program (USRP) DWR’s USRP provides grants to local communities for projects to reduce flooding, erosion, and associated property damage; restore, enhance, or protect the natural ecological values of streams; and promote community involvement, education, and stewardship. Since 1985, the USRP has provided more than 270 grants ranging from $1,000 to $1 million to communities throughout California. The USRP is currently working to distribute an additional $9.4 million to projects in 2020. AGENCY: DWR
Water Storage Investment Program Proposition 1 of 2014 dedicated $2.7 billion for investments in water storage projects. In 2018, the California Water Commission (CWC) made conditional funding determinations to 8 projects. Project applicants are currently obtaining statutory requirements prior to receiving a final funding award. The CWC works with CDFW, Water Board, and DWR to achieve the program goals. AGENCY: DWR,
CDFW, WATER BOARD Nonpoint Source Pollution (NSP) Control Program The NPS Program administers grant money it receives from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through the federal Clean Water Act and from the state Timber Regulation and Forest Restoration Fund. These grant funds can be used to implement projects or programs that will help to reduce NPS pollution. AGENCY: WATER BOARDS
Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Implementation The Water Board is charged with implementing key provisions of the California Safe Drinking Water Act. Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 200 in July 2019, creating the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund to help water systems provide an adequate and affordable supply of safe drinking water in both the near and long terms. The Fund provides $130 million through 2030 for comprehensive and sustainable provision of safe drinking water to all Californians. AGENCY: WATER BOARD
Funding Programs for Capital Projects and Urgent Drinking Water Needs Since 2010, the state has provided over $3 billion in assistance to address safe and affordable drinking water needs through capital projects to replace, repair, and improve aging infrastructure and create new treatment systems. The Water Board also has provided millions of dollars to address emergency drinking water needs. In addition, the Water Board has provided millions to assess and cleanup groundwater contamination that impairs drinking water aquifers. The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, bond funds, Site Cleanup Subaccount, general fund, and Cleanup and Abatement Account are the sources of funding for these various programs. The Water Board also funds a wide variety of capital projects to improve water quality through its Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program. AGENCY: WATER BOARD
Beach Safety Program The Water Boards distribute funds to 17 local agencies to conduct water quality monitoring of ocean beaches along the coast of California as part of the Safe to Swim Network. The funds provide public notification of swimming safety at ocean beaches through ambient bacteria sampling, reporting, and, if needed, posting warning signs or closing beaches. Beaches are sampled at least weekly between April 1 and October 31. AGENCY:WATER BOARDS
USACE Flood Risk Reduction Projects DWR partners with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to implement an $8.7 billion cost-share program that partners with local, state, and federal agencies to implement projects that reduce flood risk for people, infrastructure assets, and over 550,000 acres in urban areas within the Central Valley. AGENCY: DWR,
FLOOD BOARD Small Community Flood Risk Reduction Program (SCFRR) This is a cost-share program implemented by DWR to assists communities to achieve up to 100-year flood protection. The SCFRR Program addresses flood risk to Central Valley small communities with consideration for disadvantaged communities. AGENCY: DWR,
FLOOD BOARD Restoration Grant Program – Proposition 1 CDFW administers two grant programs associated with restoration The Watershed Restoration Grant Program focuses on restoration projects of statewide importance outside of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the Delta Water Quality and Ecosystem Restoration Grant Program focuses on projects that benefit the Delta. AGENCY: CDFW
Restoration Grant Programs - Proposition 68 $85 million of Proposition 68 has been allocated for projects statewide that support CDFW’s mission across three priorities, Rivers and Streams Grants, Southern Steelhead Grants, and Fish and Wildlife Improvement Grants. AGENCY: CDFW
Delta Science Program: Critical Science Investigations The statutorily-mandated mission of the Delta Science Program is to provide the best available, unbiased scientific information to inform decision-making in the Delta, which is required to be achieved, in part, through the funding of research. As part of the Delta Water Quality and Ecosystem Restoration Grant Program awarded by CDFW under Proposition 1, the Delta Science Program continues to collaborate with CDFW to fund projects that support pre-restoration monitoring, restoration design synthesis, and real-time decision support tool evaluation. AGENCY: DSC,
CDFW Healthy Soils Program The Healthy Soils Program stems from the California Healthy Soils Initiative, a collaboration of state agencies and departments to promote the development of healthy soils on California’s farmlands and ranchlands. CDFA’s healthy soils program incentivizes on-farm practices and demonstration projects for soil management practices that sequester carbon, reduce atmospheric greenhouse gas, and improve soil health. The program has received $22.5 million from Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and bond allocations from 2016-19 and an additional $28 million for 2019-20. The program has awarded 623 projects on over 57,000 acres. AGENCY: CDFA
Technical Assistance Grant Program Per Assembly Bill 2377 (2018), CDFA allocates five percent of the Healthy Soils, State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program and Alternative Manure Management Grant dollars for technical assistance to implement those practices. To date, CDFA has funded $1.582 million in technical assistance grants. AGENCY: CDFA
Fertilizer Research and Education Grant Program The Fertilizer Research and Education program collects yearly about $3 million from fertilizer fees to administer the program and to fund research and education to minimize the environmental impacts of fertilizer use, including nitrate in groundwater and greenhouse gases. Funding has supported implementation of the Water Boards Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program. AGENCY: CDFA
Watershed Improvement Program Under the Sierra Nevada Watershed Improvement Program, the Sierra Nevada Conservancy issues grants to public agencies, non-profits, and eligible tribes for projects that support healthy watersheds and forests, strategic conservation, resilient Sierra Nevada communities, and vibrant recreation and tourism. AGENCY: SIERRA NEVADA CONSERVANCY
Forest Health Grant Program Through the California Climate Investments Forest Health Grant Program, CAL FIRE funds projects that proactively restore forest health to reduce greenhouse gases, protect upper watersheds where the state’s water supply originates, promote the long-term storage of carbon in forest trees and soils, minimize the loss of forest carbon from wildfire, and further the goals of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32). AGENCY: CAL FIRE