Opportunity Title:
Headquarters (HQ) Plant Conservation and Restoration Management Program
Opportunity Number:
Program Strategic Goals:
Implementing the National Native Seed Strategy
Developing genetically appropriate native plant material/seed for use in habitat restoration;
Implementing and assessing seed-based restoration techniques/efforts;
Collaborating with farmers and conservationists to increase BLM Stock and Foundation seed amounts to use on larger Seed Increase IDIQ contracts so that commercial availability of genetically diverse, locally sourced seed for restoration, rehabilitation and reclamation projects is increased at a landscape scale;
Supporting Source-Identified Seed Certification programs via partnerships with state seed certifying agencies;
Inventorying, monitoring and restoring rare plant species and their associated communities to include development of conservation strategies/plans that include best management practices and reporting on the condition and trend of rare plant species and their habitat;
Increasing and improving pollinator habitat;
Expanding public education programs and outreach; and
Database creation, and management and analysis, including geospatial, collaborative web service or support and training.
State governments, County governments, City or Township governments, Special district governments, Independent school districts, Public and State controlled institutions of higher education, Native American tribal governments, Public housing authorities, Native American tribal organizations, nonprofits, Private institutions of higher education
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Minimum Award:
Application Deadline:
April 17, 2023
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.