The No Place Like Home Program (NPLH) provides funding and tools that allow the California Department of Housing and Community Development (Department) to address affordability issues associated with creating housing units that are specifically set aside for persons with serious mental illness who are chronically homeless, homeless, or at-risk of being chronically homeless. Under the Program as defined in Section 100 below, the Department may make loans to reduce the initial cost of acquisition and/or construction or rehabilitation of housing, and may set funds aside to subsidize extremely low rent levels over time.
Programs are organized into four Articles as follows: Article I. General Program Requirements: This section includes Program definitions and information on funding allocations and timing, including
1) Technical Assistance Allocation,
2) Noncompetitive Allocation,
3) Competitive Allocation, and
4) Alternative Process Allocation.
Article II. Noncompetitive and Competitive Allocations: This section describes the Program parameters for funding made pursuant to the Noncompetitive and Competitive allocation methods. Allocations, pursuant to these methods, will be administered by the Department.
1) Noncompetitive Allocation – the Department may distribute an amount not to exceed $200,000,000 on an over-the-counter basis, awarded to all counties proportionate to the number of homeless persons within each County, with a minimum of $500,000 to each County. Counties may opt to use their Noncompetitive Allocation funds to provide shared housing if they are designated by the Department to do so by the deadline specified in the Guidelines.
2) Competitive and Alternative Process Allocations – the Department may distribute an amount not to exceed $1,800,000,000 for the competitive program and through an alternative process directly to counties with at least 5 percent of the state’s homeless population that demonstrate the capacity to directly administer Program funds. Article III. Alternative Process Allocation: This section describes the Program parameters for funding made pursuant to the Alternative Process allocation method. Allocations pursuant to this method will be administered by the eligible Counties, under the oversight of the Department through reporting and monitoring requirements.
Article IV. Noncompetitive Allocation Shared Housing Requirements: This section describes the Program parameters for shared housing, including monitoring and reporting requirements. Counties may choose to use their Noncompetitive Allocation funds to provide shared housing if they are designated by the Department to do so by the deadline specified in the Guidelines. Allocations made for shared housing will be administered only by Counties that are approved by the Department to use their funding for this purpose.
Noncompetitive Allocation ($190 million)
Distributed by formula allocation to each county based on their 2017 homeless Point-In-Time Count with a minimum allocation per county of $500,000.
Competitive Allocation (up to $1.8 billion for multiple funding rounds)
Second Round Funding: Anticipated minimum of $622 million.
Counties will compete for funding with counties of similar size:
Los Angeles County*
Large counties (population greater than 750,000)*
Medium counties (population between 200,000 to 750,000)
Small counties (population less than 200,000)
*Counties with five percent or more of the state's homeless population may be designated by HCD to receive and administer their own allocations of NPLH funds under their own HCD-approved method of distribution.