Opportunity Title:
Critical Materials Innovation, Efficiency, and Alternatives
Opportunity Number:
This FOA builds on prior DOE, other government agency, and private sector
investment, and implements section 7002(g) of the Energy Act of 2020 and BIL
section 41003(c) through the program’s research and development activities by the
creation of innovative methods and technologies for the efficient and sustainable
provision of critical materials to the domestic economy and the expected activities
under the program to mitigate the environmental and health impacts of the
extraction, processing, manufacturing, use, recovery, and recycling of critical
materials. Also, section 41003 (c) of the BIL and section 7002 (g) of the Energy Act of
2020 directs the establishment of a program of research, development,
demonstration, and commercialization.
This includes a broad range of RD&D for:
Alternative materials;
Alternative energy technologies or alternative designs of existing energy technologies;
Technologies or process improvements that minimize the use and content, or lead to more efficient use, of critical materials;
Innovative technologies and practices to diversify commercially viable and sustainable domestic sources of critical materials, including technologies for recovery from waste streams;
Technologies, process improvements, or design optimizations that facilitate the recycling of critical materials, and options for improving the rates of collection of products and scrap containing critical materials from post-consumer, industrial, or other waste streams;
Advanced critical material extraction, production, separation, alloying, or processing technologies that decrease the energy consumption, environmental impact, and costs of those activities, including—
efficient water and wastewater management strategies
technologies and management strategies to control the environmental impacts of radionuclides in ore tailings;
technologies for separation and processing; and
technologies for increasing the recovery rates of coproducts and byproducts from host metal ores
Domestic entities, including:
Institutions of higher education;
For-profit entities;
Nonprofit entities; and
State and local governmental entities and Tribes.
In limited circumstances, DOE may approve a waiver to allow a foreign entity to
participate as a prime recipient or subrecipient.
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Minimum Award:
November 10, 2023
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