Round 3 of 3 $15 Million Available in Total with Up to $3 Million Available per Challenge
Round 3 Proposals Due: October 14, 2020 by 3:00 PM EST
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) will issue a series of utility challenges through 2020 that have been defined in collaboration with New York State’s Investor Owned Utilities (IOU). Each challenge is aligned with the host utility to improve the performance and validate value propositions in areas of significant potential, including productivity, resiliency, reliability and quality of the electric power delivery system. The host utilities will identify attributes to drive innovation and challenge the marketplace to develop systems that deliver solutions that are pertinent to their operational goals. Those attributes help establish a pathway for products and services to gain market entry.
Each Round of this solicitation will have one or more IOU challenges with available funding up to $3 million per Challenge. NYSERDA mayhost a complimentary webinar to describe the host utility’s challenge at the open of the round. Program updates can be found on NYSERDA’s Smart Grid website:
Submissions must demonstrate significant improvements over the current state addressed by the challenges. The primary objective of the program is to accelerate the host utility’s operational goals that promote a high performing smart grid with a diverse supply of clean energy generation resources, enhanced overall electric grid performance and enable customers to reduce their energy costs, energy consumption, and environmental impacts. Additional objectives include the development of smart grid technologies and their commercialization and deployment in New York State.
Round 3 Utility Challenge - Orange & Rockland Proposal Due - October 14, 2020
This solicitation includes two project categories.
Category A: Product Development
• Includes any work focused on bringing a new or improved product or service to market, including technical feasibility, business case feasibility, market analysis, proof of concept, product design, engineering, scale up, and field testing. Field testing is the stage in which a technology, not yet commercially available with a warranty, is operated in real world conditions with results used for product iteration, market validation, or customer engagement. Projects under this category include the development and commercialization of technologies and products for improving the resiliency, reliability, quality and efficiency of the electrical power delivery system. Note that bench-scale testing and field verification or testing may be included in Category A projects. Product Development projects may lead to a project proposal under Category B: Demonstration Projects to prove out the potential product or technology at a New York State site. Note: Product Development projects are subject to NYSERDA’s recoupment terms described in Section VIII.
Category B: Demonstration
• A project intended to increase sales or usage of a commercialized product already in the marketplace, with results used to generate objective performance information for customers or policymakers. At this stage, the product is available for commercial sale and warranteed. While incremental improvements may be incorporated based on the demonstration results, the final product design is essentially complete. Projects in this category should not include technology or product development tasks. If technology or product development tasks are necessary, consider proposing in Category A. Projects in Category B should demonstrate innovative new or underutilized products or technologies in pioneering applications. Proposers must clearly identify whether the demonstration project will support either transmission or local distribution operations.