Ohio EPA's Recycling & Litter Prevention Program (R&LP) provides grant funding to communities, local governments, academic institutions, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and state agencies to establish and implement recycling, market development, litter prevention and scrap tire recycling programs. There are four different grant programs: Community and Litter Grants, Market Development Grants, Scrap Tire Grants and Academic Institution Grants.
Academic Institution Grant Is your school interested in starting or expanding its recycling program? Are you looking to replace your running track/walking paths with asphalt comprised of ground tire rubber? Ohio EPA has funds available. Public and private K-12 schools, colleges, and universities may receive funding for recycling efforts as well as outreach and education, recycling equipment and conference sponsorships. Grantees have 12 months to complete the project. Grant period is 24 months for scrap tire/civil engineering projects.
Some recently funded projects include:
Ohio University expanded organics waste collection, processing and diversion on campus targeting their athletic venues;
Jackson Center Schools in Shelby County paved more than 15,000 feet of walking paths and athletic tracks with an asphalt mixture including ground tire rubber; and
University of Cincinnati implemented multi-stream waste and recycling stations to help achieve their sustainability goals.
Jan. 7, 2021 (10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.) Presenters: Recycling & Litter Prevention Grant Program, Ohio EPA's Division of Environmental and Financial Assistance Description: This webinar will highlight Ohio EPA's 2021 Recycling & Litter Prevention Grant application process and those activities targeted by this grant program. The webinar will focus on how this competitive grant program provides opportunities for local governments, schools, businesses and nonprofit organizations to establish and implement recycling & litter prevention programs, recycling market development for manufacturers, expansion of recycling equipment and processing facilities and recycling infrastructure improvements. The deadline for this online submittal is Feb. 5, 2021 at 3:00pm (EST). Ohio EPA's annual R&LP grant program will be accepting applications from November 2, 2020 through February 5, 2021 at 3:00p.m. (EST), with grants awarded on July 1, 2021. The application process for this funding program is highly competitive. Total available grant funds vary from year to year. There is a maximum award for a single project and different match requirements, depending on the grant type.
The Jan. 7 webinar will have the same content as the Nov. 5 version, but will also include any updates and feedback about the online grant application process since the grant cycle opened on Nov. 2, 2020.
Click here to register for the Jan. 7, 2021 (10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.) webinar
Where can you find more information? Please visit Ohio EPA's recycling website: recycleohio.gov Who can you contact for more information?
April Stevens
Environmental Supervisor
(614) 644-3783
Marie Barnett
Grants Administrator
(614) 705-1019
Dave Foulkes
Environmental Specialist
(614) 644-3118
Kelsey Heyob
Environmental Specialist
(614) 705-1013
Grant recipients will be announced in May 2021 and funding will be made available in July 2021.