These Guidelines were originally adopted May 18, 2016.In anticipation of the second round of funding (Round 2) to occur in 2018, the State Water Board adopted amendments to these Guidelines on December 19, 2017. Additional amendments were adopted on {tbd, anticipated February 2, 2021}.
Of the original $800 million allocation, $80 million was available specifically for “treatment and remediation activities that prevent or reduce the contamination of groundwater that serves as a source of drinking water” (Water Code section 79772).However, these funds were reallocated as part of Proposition 68 (Public Resource Code section 80008), reducing the State Water Board’s total allocation for this Proposition 1 Groundwater Grant Program to $720 million. Separate guidelines have been developed for the $80 million being administered through the Proposition 68 Groundwater Treatment and Remediation Grant Program.
The State Water Board is setting aside $144160 million for projects serving disadvantaged communities (DACs)/economically distressed areas (EDAs) and will ensure that at least $80 72 million of those funds go to projects that serve severely disadvantaged communities (SDACs) (Water Code section 79774(d)).
Projects funded by general obligation bonds must be for construction or acquisition of capital assets (Government Code section 16727) unless specifically authorized by the bond. Water Code section 79704 allows up to ten (10) percent of the Groundwater Grant Program funds (up to $80 72 million) for “… planning and monitoring necessary for the successful design, selection, and implementation of the projects authorized.
Grant Management Associates is in a key position to assist your team with your grant application. GMA has years of experience with a variety of funding agencies, their funding objectives, the grant review process and all of their required forms. We can make the process of developing a successful application much easier. On average we prepare about 10-14 grant applications a month with a very high success rate. We have a high success rate because of the pre-application analysis that we do with you BEFORE preparing a grant application. This gives us an idea of your likelihood of success.
We can provide whatever level of assistance you need; total proposal development to critical review of your application components. We understand the budget forms, the Scope of Work layout, the CEQA documentation and all of the other requirements. Please feel free to contact us to schedule a call to review your application approach and to learn more about how we interact with our clients.
For a full list of awarded grants, recommendations and staff expertise, please visit our website at
Feel free to contact me directly to address any questions.