Tuesday, January 19, 2021 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Remote Access Only
Remote Attendance
The meeting may be accessed by clicking the link below or via Zoom, https://join.zoom.us, by entering the Meeting ID and password for the workshop listed below. If you experience difficulties joining, you may contact Zoom at (888) 799-9666 ext. 2, or the Public Advisor’s Office via email or phone.
Link to Workshop: Staff Solicitation Scoping Workshop on Interoperability Testing Events, https://energy.zoom.us/j/91641591985?pwd=T0I0TU5rell5ZGlGMlhuU3JnUkxBZz09 Meeting ID: 916 4159 1985 Meeting password: 760662
Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Overview of the Interoperability Testing Events RFP Concept a. Background b. Primary Objectives c. Relation to Vehicle-Grid Innovation Lab (ViGIL) Solicitation
3. Directed Questions
4. Open Discussion and Q&A 2 A detailed agenda will be posted prior to the workshop at https://www.energy.ca.gov/eventcalendar.
For California to achieve its transportation electrification goals, including 100 percent of passenger vehicle sales to be zero emission by 2035, the industry must continue moving towards interoperability, where vehicles, chargers, and software systems work together, without special knowledge or effort by the user. The market is still nascent, and there are several competing standards for hardware and software. Furthermore, new products are rapidly entering the market, posing a challenge for interoperability. To accelerate interoperability, staff is developing an RFP solicitation that will provide up to $1 million from the Clean Transportation Program funds for Interoperability Testing Events.
These annual events will support interoperability of electric vehicle (EV) supply equipment and vehicles for all on-road vehicle sectors and ensure charging hardware and software work as intended, and the various combinations of chargers and vehicles entering the marketplace are compatible. These events will convene key EV stakeholders to conduct interoperability tests, develop and finalize products and standards, and discuss means to overcome common technology barriers. The primary objectives of these events will be to:
1) Provide a venue for stakeholders to troubleshoot early-stage products.
2) Provide a venue for stakeholders to conduct implementation testing and test tool development for charging standards and protocols.
3) Provide structure for product roadmaps to prepare for annual testing events.
4) Establish a forum for knowledge sharing.
5) Lower the barrier for stakeholders to participate in these events.
Public Comment CEC staff is requesting feedback on the following:
1) Would this type of event support the timely and cost-effective commercialization of advanced EV supply equipment products, a diverse and competitive market for these products, and an interoperable charging ecosystem?
a. Why is public funding needed for such events?
b. What should be included to enhance or improve the solicitation concept to better achieve the solicitation’s goals?
2) What should this type of annual event include to make it effective?
For example:
a. Representation – What types of participants, and how many, would be necessary for success? How can broad participation and inclusion be encouraged? Would an agreement ensure these goals are met?
b. Technical requirements – What experience is required of an event organizer for success? What facility needs would be ideal? What other technical considerations should be included?
c. Format – What should be the duration of a testing event? How should events be structured to maximize success? How should the standards, hardware, or other factors to be tested at each event be determined? How should matches between participants be determined?
d. Outcomes – Are there any key outcomes that these events should strive to achieve (for example, facilitate the industry adoption of a new standard, equitable distribution considerations)?
3) Is a maximum of $1 million sufficient to host three annual Interoperability Testing Events? a. What are your estimates for the budget allocations for organizing these events (for example, securing venues, renting equipment, facility requirements), reimbursement for shipment costs of vehicles and charging equipment, and administrative/labor fees?
b. If $1 million is not sufficient, what is feasible with this amount of funding?
c. If this amount of funding is more than sufficient, would there be a benefit to additional or more-frequent events? How many events could feasibly be executed with this budget?
d. Should participant fees or other sources of funding (for example, sponsorships, donations) be allowed or required to supplement CEC funding? What is the best use of public funding in these events?
e. What project cost categories should be eligible for CEC funding or match share?
4) Should there be requirements for applicant eligibility? If so, what would those be?
5) How would you prefer the conference to be set up?
For example:
a. Format – is the preference for a mix of keynote speakers, panel discussions, and presentations? Is there anything else that should be included?
b. Content – what topics are most important for the annual conferences in order to cover and discuss the latest trends and challenges in the EV charging industry?
Oral comments will be accepted at the end of the workshop. Comments may be limited to three minutes or less per speaker and one person per organization. Written comments must be submitted to the Docket Unit by 5:00 p.m. on February 2, 2021. Written and oral comments, attachments, and associated contact information (including address, phone number, and email address) will become part of the public record of this proceeding with access available via any internet search engine.