Opportunity Title:
SNEP Technical Assistance Network Federal Fiscal Years 2025-2029
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Opportunity Number:
Coastal ecosystems are recognized as particularly vulnerable to upstream pollution sources, fragmented management, and the impacts of climate change. The coastal watersheds of southeast New England are prime examples of this vulnerability. The economy and community health of this region are directly tied to its unique ecological systems, but these systems are currently impaired by excessive nutrients from wastewater and storm water, by the legacies of past industrial uses, by shifting land use patterns, and other factors.
This funding opportunity seeks to fund the Southeast New England Program Technical Assistance Network (“The SNEP Network” or “The Network”) to provide regionally customized training, consultation, and other services to help municipalities, Tribes and other communities better assess and address critical environmental management needs, and ultimately build local capacity to develop and undertake environmental projects. The Network offers assistance and training to local communities, Tribes, and environmental organizations to improve financial and environmental decision making, project design and implementation, storm water management, and watershed restoration planning.
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Applications Due May 01, 2024
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