Opportunity Title:
Regional Conservation Partnership Program Critical Conservation Area Nutrient Management Grants
Opportunity Number:
NRCS is announcing the availability of Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) Grants funding for NRCS to eligible applicants to co-invest in impactful and innovative solutions to on-farm, watershed, and regional natural resource concerns. For the 2022 application period, applications will be accepted from eligible entities for projects impacting nutrient management in NRCS RCPP Critical Conservation Areas (CCAs). Applications will not be accepted in the Prairie Grasslands CCA under this NFO. Only land management and rental activities are eligible under this NFO.
The Federal funding agency expects to award up to $40 million through this opportunity. NRCS expects to make up to seven awards under this announcement. Funding will be obligated using grant agreements. Projects may be up to five years in duration, however in special circumstances the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture may approve shorter or longer projects.
a. An agricultural or silvicultural producer association or other group of producers;
b. A State or unit of local government, including a conservation district;
c. An Indian Tribe;
d. A farmer cooperative;
e. An institution of higher education;
f. A water district, irrigation district, acequia, rural water district or association, or other organization with specific water delivery authority to producers on agricultural land;
g. A municipal water or wastewater treatment entity;
h. An organization or entity with an established history of working cooperatively with producers on agricultural land, as determined by the Secretary, to address: 1) Local conservation priorities related to agricultural production, wildlife habitat development, and NIPF management; or 2) Critical watershed-scale soil erosion, water quality, sediment reduction, or other natural resource concerns
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Minimum Award:
Application Deadline:
October 31, 2022
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.