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Grant Management Fiscal Administration, Audit, Compliance and Reporting

Some grant recipients have large, robust, and experienced in-house grant management fiscal administration, accounting, audit, reporting and compliance teams. Most do not. Some have none. 


Organizations must adhere to a myriad of federal grant compliance requirements, including Uniform Administrative Requirements (financial management, internal controls, procurement, and cost principles requirements, among others), as well as cross-cutting requirements (Davis-Bacon, NEPA, Civil Rights, Build America/Buy America and more, depending on the project type).


Unfortunately, GMA has seen some applicants and recipients bid out contracts for large infrastructure projects prior to grant award that have had to be rebid.


The ideal time to initially engage GMA is during the grant writing application process and before any grant awards are made.


Grant Management Associates provides a menu of post-award grant management accounting, audit, compliance, and reporting consulting services that can be customized to your specific needs.


GMA can train your staff and assist you with making changes to your accounting system to be in compliance with federal law, and can provide other assistance listed further below. GMA has expertise in the full lifecycle of grants management.

Kristin Cooper - Updated Photo 2021_edited.jpg
Professor Kristin Cooper – GMA Founder and CEO

Professor Cooper is a former full professor in the School of Engineering at CSU Chico. She managed the grant efforts for five of the colleges at the university. She has been a subject matter expert to the U.S. Department of Justice in grant fraud cases and served in a similar capacity as an expert witness to the California Attorney General’s Office.


Here is a list of items that applicants/recipients may need to put in place for full compliance:


  • Develop grant administration policies and procedures

  • Ensure federal procurement standards are documented and followed

  • Evaluate proposed expenses for allowability and prepare eligible cost memos when necessary

  • Compile all financial information necessary and prepare required reports

  • Review contracts with subcontractors and subrecipients for required regulatory language

  • Develop templates and checklists to assist the organization with their federal award internal control structure and gathering of required information, to include subrecipients and contractors

  • Perform required risk assessments and ongoing monitoring of subrecipients


GMA’s Menu of Post Award Grant Services include:


  • Pre-award review of grant management requirements

  • Grant management staff training 

  • Audit and internal control assessment 

  • Federal procurement requirements 

  • 2 CFR 200 Compliance

  • Indirect cost rate negotiation 

  • Grant cash flow 

  • Budget forecasting 

  • Post-award grant management

  • Grant modification requests 

  • Grant close-out 


We are happy to discuss your current or potential future post-award grant management needs.

You can reach out today to GMA’s Founder and CEO Kristin Cooper and schedule a complimentary discussion about your potential post-award grant management needs at

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