Opportunity Title:
Adaptation Planning Grant Program (APGP)
The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR), through the Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program (ICARP), received $25M to fund the Adaptation Planning Grant Program (APGP) through the State’s 2021-2022 Budget [Senate Bill (SB) 170 (Skinner, 2021)], which funded ambitious measures to build climate adaptation and resilience through planning, research, capacity building, restoration, and sustainable infrastructure. The APGP advances ICARP’s statutory mission to develop a cohesive, equitable, and integrated response to the impacts of climate change through direct funding support for local, regional, and tribal adaptation planning across California [SB 246 (Wieckowski, 2015)]. The APGP program will fund integrated climate planning activities throughout the state. Current state law requires that considerations for climate change and associated risk be integrated into General Plans, Climate Adaptation Plans, and Local Coastal Programs, with further incentives to integrate adaptation in Local and Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plans (LHMP/MJHMP). These plans guide the development of long-term community vision, infrastructure investments, community health and safety, emergency response and hazard mitigation, as well as economic development.
Eligible applicants may include, but are not limited to:
• Local Public Entities, including cities, counties, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), Joint Powers Authorities (JPAs), Regional Transportation Planning Agencies (RTPAs), and Councils of Governments (COGs). Public entities may also include California institutions of higher education, districts, public authorities, public agencies, political subdivisions, and public corporations (California GC § 811.2). All public entities mentioned above applying for projects targeted at benefitting vulnerable communities in their constituencies should partner with at least one community-based organization.
• California Native American Tribes, including federally and non-federally recognized tribes or tribal-serving organizations
• Disadvantaged Unincorporated Communities (DUCs) are encouraged to apply. A DUC is defined as an inhabited and unincorporated community that includes 10 or more dwelling units in proximity or where 12 or more registered voters reside and have an annual median household income that is 80 percent or less of the statewide median housing income (SB 244 [Wolk, 2011)].
• Community-Based Organizations, including, but not limited to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, non-governmental organizations, philanthropic organizations, foundations, and other organizations with a history of representing vulnerable communities. Such organizations need not be 501(c)(3) organizations but should be legal entities authorized and empowered to enter contracts and hold funds. Community-based organizations should partner with a local public entity as listed above. For-profit entities are not eligible to apply as lead applicants or fiscal agents but can be subcontracted to provide research or other services.
Award Details:
ICARP administers the APGP and received $25M in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-2022 to implement the program through the provision of grants and staff support. The APGP Grant Guidelines include relevant information for potential applicants, including the components and criteria that should be submitted in an application. Applications can request between $25,000 and $600,000 in total state funding for planning projects spanning a twelve- to thirty-month period.
The program will be administered in three rounds. Below is the anticipated funding available for each round:
• Round 1: $6,600,000
• Round 2: $6,600,000
• Round 3: $6,600,000
Application Deadline:
December 16, 2022
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.