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DoA: Capacity Building Grants for Non-Land Grant Colleges of Agriculture (NLGCA) – Due 1/16/24

Jodie Alexander

Opportunity Title:

Capacity Building Grants for Non-Land Grant Colleges of Agriculture Program


Department of Agriculture

Opportunity Number:



Capacity Building Grants for Non-Land-Grant Colleges of Agriculture Program (NLGCA) Institutions may use the funds: (a) to successfully compete for funds from Federal grants and other sources to carry out educational, research, and outreach activities that address priority concerns of national, regional, State, and local interest; (b) to disseminate information relating to priority concerns to interested members of the agriculture, renewable resources, and other relevant communities, the public, and any other interested entity; (c) to encourage members of the agriculture, renewable resources, and other relevant communities to participate in priority education, research, and outreach activities by providing matching funding to leverage grant funds; and (d) through: (1) the purchase or other acquisition of equipment and other infrastructure (not including alteration, repair, renovation, or construction of buildings); (2) the professional growth and development of the faculty of the NLGCA Institution; and (3) the development of graduate assistantships.


Applications may only be submitted by a Non-Land Grant College of Agriculture (NLGCAs) certified as such by the NIFA at the time of application.

Award Details:

Total Amount Available:


Maximum Award:


Minimum Award:



January 16, 2024

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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