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  • Writer's pictureCaroline Winter

Agency for International Development - Asia Resilient Cities. Deadline: 6/3. $15M Available.

Opportunity Title:

Asia Resilient Cities (ARC)

Opportunity Number:



Urbanization is a key feature of the 21st century as people continue to move into cities. Asia’s urbanization rate, the growth of the urban population over time, is projected to reach 64 percent by 2050.1 Asia is also home to the largest number of urban dwellers globally. Therefore, developing livable and sustainable cities is critical for the region’s future growth. Policies that promote the use of technology, data, and innovation to make urban services inclusive and sustainable will be critical and should be considered in all of our investments. Urbanization in Asia, if done well, can improve health and living conditions and enhance economic livelihoods while creating opportunities for achieving sustainable development. Secondary cities2 tend to experience rapid growth consistent with the fast pace of urbanization in the region, and they offer opportunities to advance a more inclusive, resilient, and climate-positive development model. Secondary cities have the potential to be solution incubators, modeling new approaches that can subsequently be replicated in other cities. The Asia Resilient Cities (ARC) activity will address urban development challenges in three or more secondary cities (one city per country) by fostering sustainable urban growth; resilient, low-carbon urban infrastructure and service delivery through good governance; and the integration of climate change and environmental considerations throughout urban collaborative approaches. Coordinated cross-sectoral collaboration is vital to sustain healthy urban development. ARC will test, iterate, and scale effective system-based and cross-sectoral approaches with partner cities to address their urban development challenges.


U.S. and non-U.S. nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are eligible to apply. USAID welcomes applications from organizations that have not previously received financial assistance from USAID with experience in urban development, sustainable urban financing, participatory governance with municipal stakeholders, urban resilience, urban systems design, urban social services, or similar areas. An NGO means any nongovernmental organization or entity, whether nonprofit or profitmaking (22 CFR 203.2). Eligibility for this NOFO is not restricted.

Maximum Award:


Minimum Award:


Application Deadline:

June 3, 2022

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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