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This post is a general overview of information in the Climate Change chapter of the proposed 2024-2025 CA Budget Summary, released on January 10, 2024. Click here to view the full summary or individual chapters by category on the California Governor's Budget website.
General CA Proposed Budget Info
The Budget Plan begins with an Introduction and Summary Charts:
Total Budget Reserves: $18.4B
Reductions: $8.5B
â—¦ Various Climate Reductions ($2.9 billion),
â—¦ Various Housing Program Reductions ($1.2 billion),
â—¦ State Vacant Position Funding Sweep ($762.5 million),
â—¦ School Facilities Aid Program ($500 million),
â—¦ Student Housing Revolving Loan Fund Program ($494 million),
â—¦ Legislative Requests ($350 million),
â—¦ University of California Los Angeles Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy ($300 million)
â—¦ Middle Class Scholarship Program ($289 million)

Climate Change
The 2025-2025 climate change budget maintains $48.3B across 10 categories with a total reduction of $2.9B. The full Climate Change chapter can be viewed here.

Climate Change Program Funding Adjustments:
The following tables detail funding changes for specific grants and/or programs by category. The format changes slightly by table to accommodate the abundance of information.
Zero-Emission Vehicles (pg 34)
The Budget maintains $10 billion, extended over seven years, in investments to the state’s ZEV agenda—including targeted investments in disadvantaged and low-income communities by increasing access to the benefits of clean transportation and by continuing to decarbonize California’s transportation sector and improve public health.

Transportation (pg 35)
The Budget maintains $13.6 billion for transportation.

Wildfire and Forest Resistance (pg 36)
The Budget maintains $2.7 billion over five years to advance critical investments in restoring forest and wildland health to continue to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires in the face of extreme climate conditions.

Water (pg 36)
The Budget maintains $7.3 billion over multiple years in programs
and projects to bolster the capacity of communities and ecosystems to endure
droughts and floods.
The Budget also includes $159.1 million in new investments to support flood protection, levee repair, and restoration of the Salton Sea.

Nature-Based Solutions (pg 39)
The Budget maintains $1.4 billion over multiple years in various programs towards efforts to enlist nature in the state’s climate goals.

Extreme Heat (pg 40)
The Budget maintains $364 million over multiple years in programs and projects to address extreme heat.

Community Resilience (pg 40)
The Budget maintains $1.2 billion over multiple years in programs and projects to promote community resilience.

Coastal Resilience (pg 41)
The Budget maintains $660 million over multiple years in programs and projects for coastal resilience.

Sustainable Agriculture (pg 42)
The Budget maintains $1 billion towards fighting climate change by pioneering climate smart agriculture that fosters innovation in carbon sequestration, emissions reduction, and ecosystem resilience improvements.

Energy (pg 43)
The Budget maintains approximately $6.6 billion of the $7.9 planned 2022 energy investments. The Budget also maintains the proposed $1 billion for the Clean Energy Reliability Investment Plan with the remaining amount proposed over three years beginning in 2025-26.

Other Climate-Related Issues (pg 45)
To address the projected budget shortfall, the Budget proposes General Fund solutions
to achieve a balanced budget. These include:

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