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  • Jodie Alexander

CA – Affordable Housing & Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Open for Comment; Applications Open 2024

Opportunity Title:

Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program (AHSC) Round 8


California Strategic Growth Council


Funded by Cap-and-Trade revenue, the AHSC program makes it easier for Californians to drive less by engaging in active transportation, such as walking, biking, and using transit. It also works to reimagine land use and city planning in a way that brings housing closer to jobs, amenities and low-carbon transportation.

Over 70% of AHSC funds have benefited disadvantaged communities thus far, providing: affordable housing, improved air quality, affordable transportation options, and better access to jobs and amenities.


Eligible applicants include:

  • Local governments

  • Transportation and transit agencies

  • Non-profit and for-profit housing developers

  • Joint powers authorities

  • K-12 school, college and university districts

  • Federally Recognized Tribes

  • California Native American Tribes

Award Details:

Total Amount Available:


AHSC Timeline:

  • October 18, 2023: RSVP for Virtual Public Workshop — Statewide

  • October 23, 2023: RSVP for Virtual Public Workshop — Northern Region

  • October 23, 2023: RSVP for Virtual Public Workshop — Southern Region

  • December 2023: Round 8 Final Guidelines adopted

  • January 2024: NOFA released

  • March 2024: AHSC Round 8 Applications due

  • August 2024: AHSC Round 8 awards adopted by Council

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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