Opportunity Title:
Grid-Supportive Transportation Electrification
Opportunity Number:
The purpose of this solicitation is to fund technology demonstration and deployment projects that support the approved Electric Program Investment Charge 2021–2025 (EPIC 4) Investment Plan’s strategic objective to increase the value proposition of distributed energy resources to customers and the grid. This solicitation’s research topics fall under the EPIC 4 Transportation Electrification Initiative.
Projects must fall within the following project groups:
· Group 1: Technology Enablers for Flexible Transportation Electrification Connection;
· Group 2: DC Hubs for Efficient and Scalable High-Power Charging; and
· Group 3: Innovative Opportunity Charging Solutions.
Pre-Application Workshop
CEC staff will hold one Pre-Application Workshop to discuss this solicitation with potential applicants. Participation is optional but encouraged. The Pre-Application Workshop will be held remotely. Applicants may attend the workshop via the internet (Zoom, see instructions below), or via conference call on the date and at the time and location listed.
Thursday, January 18, 202409:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Remote Access Only
Meeting ID: 813 8486 5158
Meeting Password: 185181
This solicitation is open to all public and private entities with the exception of local publicly
owned electric utilities. 28 In accordance with CPUC Decision 12-05-037, funds administered by the CEC may not be used for any purposes associated with local publicly owned electric utility activities.
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Group 1: $2,500,000
Group 2: $4,000,000
Group 3: $4,000,000
Minimum Award:
Group 1: $1,500,000
Group 2: $2,000,000
Group 3: $2,000,000
March 29, 2024
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.