Opportunity Title:
2023-2024 Natural Community Conservation Planning 30×30 Grant Program
CA Department of Fish and Wildlife
Opportunity Number:
Portal ID: 51558
The Natural Community Conservation Planning Local Assistance Grant (NCCP LAG) Program and the 30x30 Grant Program are intended to assist local public and non-profit entities with the highest priority tasks needed to implement NCCPs, and for projects associated with the planning and implementation of NCCPs and/or Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs).
The Natural Community Conservation Planning (NCCP) 30x30 Grant Program has up to $28.5 million available for projects associated with the planning and implementation of NCCPs and/or Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs).
That total funding amount will cover projects that were received during the initial solicitation (2023 Natural Community Conservation Planning Local Assistance Grant Program and 30 X 30 Grant Program Solicitation June 5, 2023, through August 4th, 2023) and those that will be submitted under this rolling land acquisition-only solicitation.
This rolling solicitation is intended to use any remaining funding from the initial solicitation for land acquisition projects. To optimize efficiency, please be sure that potential applicants address the section on partial funding.
Projects will be considered on a first come, first served basis.
• Land Acquisition funding must be expended by March 31, 2027.
• Pre-applications will be considered until December 2024 or until the funding has been fully dedicated to projects, whichever comes first.
Public Agency
Tribal Government
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.