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CA Energy Commission - Convenient, High-Vis, Low-Cost Level 2 Charging (CHiLL-2)

Writer's picture: Tom  KennyTom Kenny

On September 20, 2022, the California Energy Commission held a pre-solicitation workshop for the Convenient, High Visibility, Low-Cost Level 2 Charging (CHiLL-2) funding opportunity.

The following information is proposed by CEC for this solicitation. The deadline to provide written comments is October 10, 2022 and can be submitted here.


The goals of the proposed solicitation are to enhance perception of level 2 charging access through high-density, high-visibility installations, and to test and understand business models for level 2 charging, including smart charging.

CEC is seeking projects that have the capability of installing large amounts of level 2 chargers within small, high-use areas throughout California and report utilization across site types.

Award Details:

It is expected that $24 million will be available with up to $10 million per award with three total expected awards.

Minimum Project Requirements Include:

500 level 2 chargers installed per project

2 site types per project, with at least 100 chargers per site type

Chargers must be within a 1-mile radius

50% of chargers must be installed in disadvantaged/low-income communities

25 match funding

Sites for chargers must be identified and have letters of intent.

Site types include:

Parking Garages

Downtown/Curbside Parking Spaces

Park-and-Ride Lots

Retail Parking Lots

Government Building Parking Lots


Eligible applicants include all public and private entities that are registered and in good standing with the California Secretary of State. CEC encourages project teams that have city or county support/partnerships, experience with level 2 installations, and have experience with a large number of installations.

CEC seeks feedback on the following topics:

Is a 500-charger minimum reasonable?

Do potential applicants feel they could develop and manage projects of this size?

Is the funding level appropriate ($10M)?

Is 1-mile radius feasible?

Should we require different site types?

How should we classify "site types"?

Should we require partnerships with cities/counties?

What other partnerships should be considered?

Proposed Technical Requirements:

• All Level 2 chargers must have SAE standard J1772 connectors and may have Tesla connectors.

• All chargers installed must be OCPP compliant and certified (version 1.6 or newer; core/subset and security certificates).

• All chargers installed must be ISO 15118 ready.

• Details can be found in docket 19-AB-2127 (TN#241955)

• If installed outside, chargers must be able to withstand extreme weather associated with the deployment area.

Proposed Operation Requirements:

• Applicants must submit an Operations and Maintenance Plan. • Chargers must be operational at least 97 percent of the time. • Applicants must provide customer service support via a toll-free telephone number at project sites during all hours of operation. • Applicants must maintain and operate all funded equipment for a minimum of 5 years. • The project must have networking agreements and warranties for at least 5 years. • Payment options must meet CARB requirements.

CEC seeks feedback on the following topics:

1. Should sites be identified at the time of application?

a. If so, should we require site host agreements?

2. Does equipment need to be network capable and be networked (i.e., have a networking agreement)?

3. Should we require smart charging processes?

a. Automated Load Management Systems (ALMS)?

4. Are we missing any important technical requirements?

5. What is the appropriate level of customer service?

6. Do sites and the chargers need to be available 24/7?

7. Should we require site jurisdiction to have streamlined permitting?

Proposed Data Collection Requirements:

Applicants must have a plan for data collection, including, but not limited to, data on usage, payment, emissions savings, and job creation.

• Applicants must collect a minimum of 12 months of data for each site type separately and provide data electronically to the CEC on a regularly scheduled basis.

• Data collection includes, but is not limited to:

• Charge and session duration and cost

• Energy delivered (kWh)

• Power delivered (kW)

• Payment method • Type of vehicle charged

• Number of unique vehicles and frequency of "repeat vehicles"

• Reliability metrics

Proposed Evaluation Criteria:

Project Location - 25 Points

Project Readiness and Implementation - 30 Points

Innovation - 20 Points

Team Qualifications - 15 Points

Project Budget - 10 Points

Total Possible Points - 100 Points

Minimum Passing Score (70%) - 70 Points

CEC seeks feedback on the following topics:

1. What data would be most useful for others to learn from and replicate these projects?

2. What metrics should be used to compare L2 business models?

3. Is there anything missing from the proposed scoring criteria?

4. Is the evaluation point allocation appropriate?

5. How can we encourage projects that keep charging rates low, especially for DAC/LIC residents?

6. What other tools could be employed to ensure chargers are installed in disadvantaged communities and low-income communities?

Proposed Schedule:

Solicitation Release - December 2022

Pre-Application Workshop - December 2022

Deadline to Submit Applications - February/March 2023

Anticipated Notice of Proposed Awards Posting - May 2023

Anticipated CEC Business Meeting Approval - July 2023

Slides and recording of the workshop are available here.

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with funding opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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