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  • Jodie Alexander

CA – Outdoor Equity Grants Program (OEP) for under-served communities – Due 12/14/24

Opportunity Title:

Outdoor Equity Grants Program (OEP)



OEP will increase the ability of residents in low income communities to participate in outdoor experiences at state parks and other public lands by funding program operation and transportation costs. OEP encourages applicants to establish a home base in an underserved community as the hub for local activities and trips to natural areas. OEP empowers youth and families through outdoor leadership education, career pathways, and access to nature.

OEP funds program operation including the following:

A. Supplies, Equipment, and Activity Fees/Admissions B. Travel Costs C. Labor Costs D. Insurance for all activities necessary for the outdoor program


Within California:

  • Non Profit Organizations with 501(c)(3) status

  • Tribal Government

  • Public Agency: Includes all local, state, and federal agencies. Examples include school districts and other public education agencies, cities and counties, joint powers authorities, open-space authorities, regional open- space districts, Federal and State recognized tribes, and other relevant public agencies.

Award Details:

Total Amount Available:


Maximum Award:


Minimum Award:



December 14, 2024

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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