Opportunity Title:
Seeking Public Comment- Retrofitting with Innovative Building
California Energy Commission (CEC)
The California Energy Commission (CEC) is seeking feedback on a Draft Solicitation Concept for Retrofitting with Innovative Building Envelope Solutions to be issued through the Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) 2021-2025 Investment Plan. The purpose of this solicitation is to fund research and development of technologies that can improve the value proposition of implementing existing building envelope retrofits, have the potential to drive adoption of building retrofits, significantly reduce GHG emissions in existing buildings, and increase building energy efficiency.
The Draft Solicitation Concept outlines proposed funding, eligibility requirements, project focus and scope, technical requirements, and has specific questions for stakeholders.
Please submit comments to the CEC using the e-commenting feature by accessing the comment page for this docket. A full name, e-mail address, comment title, and either a comment or an attached document (.doc, .docx, or .pdf format) is mandatory. Please include “23-ERDD-01 Retrofitting with Innovative Building Envelope Solutions Concept” in the comment title.
Award Details:
Anticipated Funding Amount:
Draft Comments Due March 06, 2024
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.