Opportunity Title:
HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)
The HOME program assists cities, counties, developers, including Native American Entities, and nonprofit Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) to create and retain affordable housing.
Eligible Activities include housing rehabilitation, new construction, and acquisition and rehabilitation, for multifamily projects; new construction and down payment assistance for single-family projects; First-Time Homebuyer down payment assistance, Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation and Tenant-Based Rental Assistance programs; and predevelopment loans to CHDOs. All activities must benefit low-income renters, homebuyers or homeowners.
Native American Entities, cities, counties, developers, and Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs). The NOFA will further detail requirements for eligible applicants.
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
A number of Workshop Webinars will be held beginning January 11:
Program Activities: Non-Tribal Entities– January 11; Register Here
Program Activities: Tribal Entities– January 23; Register Here
Rental Projects: Non-Tribal Entities– January 17; Register Here
First-Time Homebuyer Projects: Non-Tribal Entities– January 24; Register Here
Tribal Entities: Rental and First-Time Homebuyer Projects– January 31; Register Here
Mandatory First-Time Homebuyer Resale/Recapture Policy– February 6; Register Here
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.