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  • Writer's pictureCaroline Winter

Coming Soon: Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy - Proposition 1 Grant Program. $2.2M Available.

Opportunity Title:

Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy Proposition 1 Grant Program


Implement the California Water Action Plan in the Coachella Valley and its watersheds.

Grants are awarded for projects that fulfill one or more of the statutory objectives of Proposition 1 and complies with the General Obligation Bond Law. Three categories of projects are specifically preferred : (a) acquisition projects involving the purchase of land for conservation that implements the key objectives of the California Water Action Plan, (b) watershed restoration projects associated with the enhancement of watershed-related natural features, such as washes, channels, streams or riverbeds, and (c) infrastructure projects related to the improvement of water management structures to complement surrounding habitat values.


Nonprofit, Public Agency, Tribal Government

Total Amount Available:


Anticipated Release Date:

Fall 2022

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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