Opportunity Title:
Powering Unelectrified Tribal Buildings
Opportunity Number:
The FOA will build on efforts by the DOE Office of Indian Energy and the authorities granted to the DOE Office of Indian Energy under EPAct 2005, to bring electric power to unelectrified tribal buildings and homes on Tribal Land. Between 2010 and 2021, the DOE Office of Indian Energy invested over $114 million in more than 200 tribal energy projects implemented across the contiguous 48 states and Alaska. These projects, valued at nearly $200 million, are leveraged by over $80 million in recipient cost share.
For purposes of this planned FOA, a Tribal Building is a building or buildings where the eligible entity has the authority to augment or modify the building and where the building is either owned by the eligible entity or tribal members, or the eligible entity has a long‐term lease (as a minimum, for the useful life of the proposed project). Tribal Building(s) may include, but are not limited to, tribal member homes, schools, community buildings, clinics/hospitals, tribal government buildings, fire stations, police stations, radio stations, washaterias, utility facilities (such as water/waste water systems), or tribal businesses.
Maximum Award:
Minimum Award:
Anticipated Release Date:
Summer of 2022
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