Opportunity Title:
Direct Air Capture Commercial Prize (CDR Purchase Pilot Prize)
Funder/Agency: U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
The American-Made Direct Air Capture (DAC) Prizes are a suite of prizes that work together to advance DAC and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies and markets, as well as the incubators that make this process possible. Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, the suite of DAC Prizes include the DAC Pre-Commercial Energy Program for Innovation Clusters (EPIC) Prize, the DAC Pre-Commercial Technology Prize, both of which launched in March 2023, and the Commercial DAC Prize.
Recognizing that there are numerous steps involved in moving an innovation from idea to marketable product, the DAC Prizes are split into separate but connected programs, each addressing a different phase of the pre-commercial process. Competitors choose which prize best fits where they are in the innovation process, work to achieve milestones, and win cash and other incentives along the way.
Currently, the CDR Purchase Pilot Prize is accepting submissions.
The CDR Purchase Pilot Prize marks the first initiative by the U.S. Federal Government to directly purchase CDR from domestic providers. It offers up to $35 million in cash awards and purchase agreements to teams that provide impactful purchase contract designs, commercial CDR supply offerings, and commitment to delivery requirements.
The prize is open to four CDR technology pathways:
Direct Air Capture
Biomass (BiCRS) technologies
Enhanced geological weathering and enhanced mineralization technologies
Planned and managed carbon sinks
The competition is open to private entities (for-profits and nonprofits) and academic institutions, subjectto the following requirements:
Private entities must be incorporated in and maintain a primary place of business in the United States with majority domestic ownership and control;
Academic institutions must be based in the United States; and
Non-profit entities must be based in the United States.
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
November 30, 2023
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