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DOE American-Made Innovating Distributed Embedded Energy Prize (InDEEP) Phase II – Closes 04/07/24

Jodie Alexander

Opportunity Title:

Innovating Distributed Embedded Energy Prize (InDEEP)


DOE American-Made


The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Water Power Technologies Office is launching the Innovating Distributed Embedded Energy Prize (InDEEP) to encourage innovation in distributed embedded energy converter technology  (DEEC-Tec, pronounced “deck tech”) to generate new, precommercial materials for wave energy conversion. This prize will challenge innovators from within and beyond wave energy to design and develop novel materials for marine energy applications that will lay the foundation for generating electricity at the grid scale.

This three-phase, two-year competition is offering a combined cash prize pool up to $2.3 million. Teams will also receive technical support, teaming support, and other forms of mentorship throughout the prize to enable their success.


This prize aims to engage distributed embedded energy conversion experts from a wide variety of fields and disciplines, like piezoelectrics, polymers, and actuators. Innovators within and beyond the wave energy industry are encouraged to create and join multidisciplinary teams in designing and completing proof-of-concept testing of DEEC-Tec concept(s) that are applicable to ocean wave energy conversion.

Award Details:

Total Amount Available:

$2,300,000 total

$1,200,000 for Phase II


May 07, 2024

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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