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  • Jodie Alexander

DOE 'Re-X Before Recycling’ Prize – Due 03/12/24

Updated: Dec 13, 2023

Opportunity Title:

'Re-X Before Recycling’ Prize




This three-phase prize will award a total of $4.5 million in cash prizes and $1.1 million in national laboratory analysis consultation and technical assistance to teams that develop innovative ways to extend the lifetimes of products or parts via re-using, repairing, refurbishing, remanufacturing, or repurposing (“Re-X”) before recycling.

The innovations developed through this prize will reduce life cycle energy and emissions, strengthen circular supply chains for emerging clean energy technologies, and decrease the demand for virgin materials. Innovations that enable new or expanded Re-X supply chains can also engage communities and labor, advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA), and support the implementation of the White House Justice40 initiative. In addition, this prize will further the Biden-Harris Administration’s clean energy goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Today’s announcement marks the opening of the first of three phases in the Re-X Before Recycling Prize.

  • Phase One: Identify! – During this phase, competitors will identify an innovation that, if implemented in a new or expanded Re-X supply chain, would deliver substantial environmental, economic, and community benefits. Applicant teams will develop a plan to advance the innovation from its current state towards implementation in a viable Re-X supply chain.

  • Phase Two: Prepare! – In phase two, competitors including new applicants, as well as teams from phase one, will refine their plan to develop their innovation and activate a network of partners and mentors to help advance their proposed innovation.

  • Phase Three: Develop! – In the final phase of this prize, selected winners from phase two will make progress executing their plans by furthering their network development and community engagement., Phase three winners will demonstrate substantial progress towards implementing their innovation in a viable Re-X supply chain and will present a compelling plan to continue their project beyond the prize period.

Two informational webinars for potential applicants to this prize will be held on December 14, 2023, and on January 17, 2024, both at 1:00 p.m. EST.


Eligible participants for Phase 1: Identify!:

  • Can include individuals, teams of individuals, private entities (for-profits and nonprofits), and nonfederal government entities (such as states, counties, tribes, municipalities, and academic institutions).

  • May submit a maximum of two submissions. If more than two submissions are received from a competitor, the two most recently submitted submissions will be considered. Only one submission per competitor can advance to Phase 2: Prepare!.

  • Can be partners on multiple submissions but may only be the lead competitor on one funded submission. Note: The cash prize award will be paid to the lead competitor as identified in the submission, if selected.

Award Details:

Total Amount Available:


Maximum Award:



March 12, 2024

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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