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  • Jodie Alexander

DOE SBIR Release 2 – FOA Release Delayed

The FOA has not been released on 12/11 as anticipated, and is delayed.

Opportunity Title:

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and

Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program Phase I Release 2



List of Topics:

Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response

  • Energy Systems Cybersecurity

Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation R&D

  • Quantum Sensors for Underground Nuclear Explosion Monitoring

  • Radiation Resistant Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuits

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Autonomous Radiation Sensing and Mapping

  • High-Energy X-Ray Sourced for Field Radiography

  • Alternative Radiological Source Technologies

  • Technology for Future Remote Detection Sensing

Office of Electricity

  • Advanced Grid Technologies

  • Advanced Battery Management and Sensors for Grid-Tied Energy Storage

Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

  • Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies

  • Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office (IEDO)

  • Bioenergy Technologies

  • Building Technologies

  • Geothermal

  • Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies

  • Solar Energy Technologies

  • Water Power Technologies (Fast-Track Only)

  • Water Power Technologies

  • Offshore Wind Environmental Monitoring Technology Development

  • Energy Storage for Wind (Joint Wind Energy Technologies Office/Office of Electricity Topic)

  • Vehicle Technologies Office

Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

  • Carbon Capture, Conversion, and Storage

  • Carbon Dioxide Removal

  • Hydrogen Technologies

  • Critical Minerals and Materials Applications

  • Carbon Ore Processing

  • Advanced Remediation Technologies

Office of Nuclear Energy

  • Advanced Technologies for Nuclear Energy

  • Advanced Technologies for Nuclear Waste

For the full topic release document, including all subtopics, please see the attached DOE file.

Program Timeline:

Topics Released: Monday, November 6, 2023

Funding Opportunity Announcement Issued: The FOA has not been released on 12/11 as anticipated, and is delayed.

Letter of Intent Due Date: Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Application Due Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2024

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