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Writer's pictureKristin Cooper

DOE to fund national laboratories to establish industry partnerships for battery manufacturing innov

The US Department of Energy (DOE) is soliciting proposals from the National Laboratories and industry partners that pursue radical innovations for American battery manufacturing leadership. Under this opportunity, DOE will directly fund the National Laboratories to establish public-private partnerships that solve engineering challenges for advanced battery materials and devices, with a focus on de-risking, scaling, and accelerating adoption of new technologies. The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office and Vehicles Technologies Office will jointly invest up to $12 million in projects that address capability gaps for enhanced lithium-ion batteries, next-generation lithium-ion batteries, and next-generation lithium-based battery technologies through the following four areas:
  • Materials processing and scale-up;

  • Innovative / advanced electrode and cell production;

  • Designer materials and electrodes; and

  • Formation.

Interested industry partners should reach out directly to the National Laboratory contacts listed below about opportunities to collaborate. Proposals are limited to submission by the National Laboratories. Full applications from the National Laboratories are due on 17 July 2020. Individual projects awards will range from $500,000 to $3 million over 24 to 36 months. A 50/50 cost-share will be required between DOE and the private partner, which can include an in-kind contribution. Funds will be awarded directly to the National Laboratories to support work with companies under Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs). This funding opportunity is a part of the Energy Storage Grand Challenge, a DOE-wide effort to create and sustain global leadership in energy storage utilization and exports, with a secure domestic manufacturing supply chain that does not depend on foreign sources of critical materials.

National Laboratory Contacts and Capabilities

Ames National Laboratory Capabilities: Electrode Manufacturing; Battery Cell TestingContact:Iver Anderson,

Argonne National LaboratoryCapabilities:Cell Manufacturing; Electrode Manufacturing; Electrode Materials Scale-up; Electrolyte Manufacturing / Scale-up; Failure Analysis Testing; Machine Learning; Materials ProcessingContact:James Miller, Venkat Srinivasan,

Brookhaven National LaboratoryCapabilities:Electrode Manufacturing; Electrode Materials Scale-upContact:Xiao-Qing Yang,

Kansas City National Security CampusCapabilities:Battery Cell TestingContact:Rocco Covello,

Idaho National LaboratoryCapabilities: Electrode Manufacturing; Failure Analysis Testing; Battery Abuse Testing; Machine LearningContact:Seth Snyder,

Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryCapabilities:Advanced Formation; Electrode Manufacturing; Electrolyte Manufacturing / Scale-up; Materials ProcessingContact:Thomas Kirchstetter, Vince Battaglia,

Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryCapabilities:Electrolyte Manufacturing / Scale-upContact:Matthew McNenly, Tony Van Buuren,

Los Alamos National LaboratoryCapabilities:Electrode Materials Scale-up; Electrode ManufacturingContact:Rodney Borup,

National Energy Technology LaboratoryCapabilities:Electrode Materials Scale-up; Electrode ManufacturingContact:Bryan Morreale,

National Renewable Energy LaboratoryCapabilities:Advanced Formation; Cell Manufacturing; Electrode Manufacturing; Electrolyte Manufacturing / Scale-up; Materials Processing; Battery Abuse TestingContact:John Farrell,

Oak Ridge National LaboratoryCapabilities:Cell Manufacturing; Electrode Manufacturing; Electrolyte Manufacturing / Scale-up; Battery Cell TestingContact:Claus Daniel,

Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryCapabilities:Cell Manufacturing; Electrode Materials Scale-upContact:Johnathan Holladay,

Sandia National LaboratoriesCapabilities:Electrode Manufacturing; Cell Manufacturing; Battery Abuse TestingContact:Christopher Moen,

Savannah River National LaboratoryCapabilities:Machine LearningContact:Charles James,

SLAC Accelerator LaboratoryCapabilities:Advanced Formation; Electrode Materials Scale-up; Materials Processing; Machine LearningContact:Steve Eglash,

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