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DOT Exploratory Advanced Research (ERA) Program – Due 06/05; Webinar 05/08


Opportunity Title:

Exploratory Advanced Research Program



Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)


Opportunity Number:




The EAR program addresses the need for longer-term, higher risk breakthrough research with the potential for transformational improvements to plan, build, renew, and operate safe, congestion free, and environmentally sound transportation systems.

The overall goal of this NOFO is to collect diverse pedestrian data, provide researchers access to this data, and encourage novel approaches for analysis of diverse data in support of increasing the safety and mobility of all people.

There are two tracks:

1. Track A:

Track A is for projects proposing the collection and preparation of diverse pedestrian data, as described above. The collection should include close partnerships with relevant diverse stakeholders and communities throughout the process from research design and collection through data curation and access management.

The collection should consider a balance between providing ease of use of the data by qualified researchers and privacy protection to individuals represented in the data.

The data preparation should consider the use of novel methods to reduce the manual burden and improve the quality of pedestrian detection and classification.

2. Track B:

Track B is for projects proposing to conduct research designed to take advantage of diverse pedestrian data. The research, like Track A, would benefit from partnerships with relevant stakeholders and communities throughout the process.

Proposals should provide clear research objectives, for example, use of pedestrian data for design of safety countermeasures; explain how diversity of pedestrian data is necessary for the research objectives; and include metrics to demonstrate if and to what extent results improve traffic safety, mobility, or convenience for all or specific groups of pedestrians.


The FHWA plans to conduct outreach regarding this program in the form of a virtual meeting on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 1:00 pm, Eastern Time.

Meeting ID: 160 648 4538

Passcode: 437035





Award Details:

Total Amount Available:



Maximum Award:



Applications Due June 05, 2024



Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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