The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for effective tools to monitor the emergence and spread of infectious diseases. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking applications proposing innovative research to inform effective wastewater sampling network designs which allow for early detection and can provide evidence of spread of infection from national to local levels in a form that can be readily used by public health agencies nationwide to address current and future epidemics/pandemics. Wastewater sampling has been widely deployed during the pandemic as a cost-effective, screening-level approach to assess infection levels in the community. In addition to improved analytical detection methods and understanding of pathogen fate and transport in sewer systems, advancing wastewater-based monitoring will require well-designed sampling networks and public health data integration approaches.
Funding Opportunity Number: EPA-G2022-ORD-B1
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 66.511
Solicitation Opening Date: October 20, 2021
Solicitation Closing Date: December 15, 2021: 11:59:59 pm Eastern Time
GMA has experience working with the EPA. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
Award Information:
Anticipated Type of Award: Grant
Estimated Number of Awards: 1 Anticipated Funding Amount: Approximately $1,000,000 total in federal funds
Potential Federal Funding per Award: Up to a total of $1,000,000 in federal funds, including direct and indirect costs, with a maximum duration of 3 years. Each applicant must contribute a minimum 25% non-federal cost share/match of the federal funds awarded which may include in-kind contributions (see Section III.B. for more details).
Eligibility Information:
Public and private nonprofit institutions and public and private universities and colleges located in the United States and its territories or possessions are eligible. Foreign entities, States, the District of Columbia, State and local government departments, territories, possessions, and Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments of the U.S., are not eligible to apply under this Request for Applications (RFA). Profit-making firms and individuals are not eligible to receive assistance agreements from the EPA under this program. See full announcement for more details.
More information can be found here:
Full RFA can be found here: