Open: June 23, 2020 – Close: August 28, 2020
Solicitation number: 68HERC20R0111
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Small Business Innovation Research (SBZIR) program, is seeking proposals from the small business community to develop novel environmental technologies in the following topic areas:
2020-2021 EPA SBIR Topics
Clean and Safe Water
Monitoring technologies for water reuse
Treatment technologies for water reuse
Air Quality
Air monitoring technology for ethylene oxide
Air quality sensors for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odors
Innovative technologies for radon mitigation in building
Land Revitalization
Innovative technologies that destroy PFAS in soil, sediment, water and groundwater
Homeland Security
Long-term disinfectant coatings
Sustainable Materials Management
Innovative technologies that prevent food waste
Technologies that will improve the US recycling system
New applications for industrial non-hazardous secondary materials and food processing byproducts
Safe Building Deconstruction Tools or Safety Equipment
Building materials that improve energy efficiency and have reduced embodied impact
Safer Chemicals
New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) to reduce, refine or replace animal testing
Cleaner manufacturing of coloration techniques