Deadline extended to ask questions: Deadline for Written Questions*
[April 21, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.] April 28, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.
A. Project Requirements
To be eligible for funding, projects must meet all the following requirements:
1. Install new 100 percent renewable hydrogen production capacity, of any technology, at an existing or new facility. Projects may modify other facility types and use pre-existing renewable resource facilities.
2. The proposed project must reduce on-road motor vehicle air emissions through use as a transportation fuel.
3. The proposed project must be located in California. Project construction and operations must also occur in California.
4. The proposed project must use an eligible feedstock sourced within California, as discussed in the subsequent section on Eligible Feedstocks.
5. The proposed project must meet the Minimum Technical Requirements, as discussed in Section II.D.
B. Eligible Feedstocks and Renewable electricity resources
Eligible renewable feedstocks include biomethane or biogas such as:
· Biomass digester gas
· Sewer (wastewater) gas
· Municipal solid waste gas from pre-landfilled material
· Other waste biomass feedstocks
Systems using other waste biomass feedstocks, such as biomass waste or residues, may be eligible if the application demonstrates that the proposed system and feedstock comprise a sustainable approach and reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to the relevant petroleum baseline determined by California Air Resources Board’s (CARB’s) Low Carbon Fuel Standard (98.47 gCO2e/MJ for gasoline, 102.01 gCO2e/MJ for diesel). Water is also an eligible feedstock. However, landfill gas is not an eligible renewable feedstock, as directed by the 2019-2020 Investment Plan Update for the Clean Transportation Program.
Renewable electricity may be an eligible feedstock, if the renewable electricity either goes directly to the hydrogen production system or is connected via the grid from an in-state generation facility that has its first point of interconnection within the metered boundaries of a California balancing authority area. Renewable Electricity Certificates (RECs) must be retired in the Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS) for the production of hydrogen in the proposed system. Further information about WREGIS can be found at:
Eligible renewable electricity sources include:
· Fuel cells using eligible renewable feedstocks
· Geothermal, small hydroelectric (30 megawatts or less)
· Ocean wave
· Ocean thermal
· Tidal current
· Photovoltaics (PV)
· Solar thermal
· Biomass
· Biomass digester gas
· Municipal solid waste conversion (non-combustion thermal process)
· Wind, as outlined in Section 25741(a)(1) of the California Public Resources Code, but excluding landfill gas[1]
[1] California Public Resources Code, Section 25741(a)(1)