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NOS & NOAA - FY2023 Ocean Technology Transition Project - Department of Commerce

Opportunity Category: Grant Program

Opportunity Number: NOAA-NOS-IOOS-2023-2007492

Funding Opportunity Title:

FY2023 Ocean Technology Transition Project

Description of Opportunity: The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®️) is a national and regional partnership working to provide ocean, coastal and Great Lakes observations, data, tools, and forecasts to improve safety, enhance the economy, and protect our environment. To increase observational and technical capabilities we need smart investments to innovate sensors, data management, decision support products, and other technical capabilities that will improve our ability to monitor and forecast environmental conditions with greater efficiency. The primary objective of IOOS’ Ocean Technology Transition Project (OTT) is to reduce the Research to Operations transition period for ocean observing, product development, and data management technologies for the ocean, coastal and Great Lakes. The term ‘Technologies’ includes: ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes sensors, information technology (data management, data visualization), platform enhancement, and technology modernization efforts. This objective is accomplished by investing in the transition of emerging and promising marine and Great Lakes observing technological capabilities from the mid to latter phases of research into operational status.

The U.S. IOOS Office is seeking to fund projects, subject to the availability of funds, which advance new or existing technology-based solutions that address long standing and emerging coastal observing, product development, and data management challenges. The projects will be focused on those technologies for which there are demonstrated operators who commit to integrated, long term use of those technologies and open data sharing. A Transition Manager for the project should be identified and a Transition Plan will be a Year One deliverable.

Category of Funding Activity: Business and Commerce Education Environment Natural Resources Science and Technology and other Research and Development

Eligibility: Eligible funding applicants for this competition are institutions of higher education, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and State, local and tribal governments. Federal agencies or institutions and foreign governments may not be the primary recipient of awards under this announcement, but they are encouraged to partner with applicants when appropriate.

Full Application Deadline: Jan 17, 2023

Total Amount Available: $2,500,000

Minimum Award: $400,000

Maximum Award: $1,200,000

Expected Number of Awards: 5

Cost Share/Match Requirement: 0%

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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