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  • Writer's pictureKristin Cooper

NY - $12M for Grid Performance Enhancements

Improving and optimizing storage technologies will accelerate growth of long duration electrical energy storage (6 hours duration or greater) deployments for New York State. As electrification of transportation and building application increases, long duration electrical energy storage solutions will become critical in meeting times of reduced renewable generation. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) announces the availability of up to $12.5 million in funds to support innovative and under-utilized long duration energy storage solutions, devices, software, controls, and other complimentary technologies that decrease energy storage total hardware and installation costs, improve performance, and demonstrate integration with the grid. Submissions must demonstrate significant statewide public benefits and quantify all energy, environmental and/or economic impacts. Proposals Due: All proposals are due by 3:00 p.m. ET for the following rounds

  1. Round 1: September 15, 2021

  2. Round 2: February 16, 2022

  3. Round 3: June 15, 2022

For Additional Details and Associated Documents Visit:

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