Due Date: 12/13/2018 (Round 1); 03/13/2019 (Round 2); 05/23/2019 (Round 3); 08/06/2019 (Round 4); 10/22/2019 (Round 5); 01/23/2020 (Round 6); 04/16/2020 (Round 7); 07/09/2020 (Round 8); 10/01/2020 (Round 9); 01/14/2021 (Round 10); 05/03/2021 (Round 11); 09/02/2021 (Round 12); 01/10/2022 (Round 13); 05/04/2022 (Round 14)
Description The New York State Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is seeking proposals for technical training, hands-on experience and job placement services that enable New York State to meet the requirements of a clean energy economy and advance the climate equity and just transition goals of New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). The purpose of this solicitation is to strengthen the pipeline of skilled talent for the Energy Efficiency and Clean Technology (EE&CT) labor market. Projects funded through this solicitation are intended to develop and/or deliver technical training, hands-on experience, and job placement assistance to both new and existing workers ensuring they have the skills, experience, and qualifications required to meet industry demand. Total funding for this solicitation is $6.7 million, distributed over the course of multiple rounds. It is anticipated that approximately $4 million will be reserved for training activities that support building electrification. Additional funds may be added at NYSERDA’s discretion, if available. The following EE&CT areas are eligible for funding: High-efficiency heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and water heating; building electrification/heat pump technologies; high-efficiency water heating; insulation and air sealing; high-efficiency lighting and controls; building automation and controls; smart grid, energy storage, and related areas. Individuals and entities that may apply for funding include technical high schools, community colleges, universities, trade associations, manufacturers, distributors, unions, training and job placement intermediaries, community-based organizations and non-for-profit organizations with a demonstrated track record in energy-related training, job preparedness and/or placement. Applicants may consist of individual entities or a team of Training Providers. Applicants are encouraged to partner with and/or demonstrate support from energy-related industry partners or companies. Funds may be used for initiatives that focus on training for targeted EE&CT areas. These include, but are not limited to: Curriculum development or modification; delivering of training (online, classroom, on-site, etc.); training labs and equipment purchases for hands-on training; hiring and training of trainers; test and certification fees; job placement services, pre-apprenticeships, and apprenticeships; and training in a language other than English to meet business needs. Additionally, NYSERDA may fund any marketing and outreach (up to 10% of total NYSERDA funding) as well as reasonable in-state travel to support eligible training initiatives in the technology areas specified above. All training must be designed to meet the needs of EE&CT companies within, or providing services to, the System Benefit Charge/Clean Energy Fund (SBC/CEF) territories. This solicitation will provide funding to projects that fall into any one or both of the following categories:
EE&CT Training for Incumbent (Existing) Workers
EE&CT Career Pathways for New Workers
Training projects under Category 1 must meet the general requirements outlined in this PON. Training projects under Category 2 must meet the following, additional requirements:
A successful Career Pathways project will include a combination of rigorous and high-quality clean energy education, offered concurrently with and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training.
At least 50 percent of trainees must be from Disadvantaged Communities and/or Priority Populations;
The project must include partnerships with businesses to provide hands-on training and work experience through on-the-job training, internships, pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeships, etc., and have clear job placement goals for all trainees.
At least 80 percent of trainees must be placed into an internship, apprenticeship, or job within 6 months of training completion.
Projects are anticipated to be completed within approximately two years, with an additional 12-month period for tracking and monitoring employment outcomes for new workers (Category 2). NYSERDA will accept proposals requesting the following amounts, based on the project category:
Category 1: $50,000 to $350,000
Category 2: $50,000 to $450,000
Proposals that include elements of both Category 1 and Category 2 training are eligible for the maximum funding award of $450,000 provided that at least 50 percent of the project is dedicated to Career Pathways training.
A minimum cost share of 30 percent is required, either in the form of cash or in-kind services. Proposals that focus exclusively on Disadvantaged Communities and/or Priority Populations will receive higher consideration as well a reduced cost share requirement of 10 percent.
Application Submission
Apply Online
Application Instructions and Portal Training Guide [PDF]
Associated Documents
Summary [PDF]
Summary of Revisions [PDF]
Attachment A - Proposal Cover Page [PDF]
Attachment B - Proposal Response [PDF]
Attachment C - Sample Agreement [DOCX]
Attachment D - Metrics [PDF]
Attachment E - Schedule [PDF]
Attachment F - Budget [XLSX]
Disclosure Statement [PDF]
Gwendolyn Bluemich
Adele Ferranti (518) 862-1090, Ext. 3206