Opportunity Title:
2022 Urban Water RFP
The Pisces Foundation prioritizes a “One Water” future because we believe that integrated and equitable water management is essential to delivering clean water, sufficient supply, flood protection, and greener shared spaces for urban communities throughout the US. From water reuse and efficiency to green stormwater infrastructure, and community-driven water planning, One Water strategies seek to simultaneously achieve multiple goals and maximize benefits to communities and nature.
To help achieve that future, our 2022 Urban Water Request for Proposals seeks to support a specific set of work to drive durable change – namely, organizations in US cities that are working toward a timely and specific One Water policy or program and are on the cusp of securing substantive change through integrated policy or regulation, innovative funding or financing, and/or inclusive governance and planning.
The primary applicant must be a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit, or be fiscally sponsored by one. Grants are not designed to fund implementation of a singular One Water project (e.g., incorporation of green stormwater infrastructure into a specific site); rather, the grants will support organizations working toward durable change through local One Water policy and programs.
Maximum Award Amount:
Minimum Award Amount:
Submission Details:
Concept Papers due September 30, 2022
Full Applications due November 2022
Webinar / Information Session:
An informational webinar will be held on 9/21 at 10 AM PT.
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.